Teaching Program

The Freshwater Lab is a multi-campus research and educational initiative that emphasizes humanities and social science approaches to addressing natural resource issues in the Great Lakes region.

The UIC Freshwater Lab Program

The Fresh Water Lab class as well as the Fresh Water Lab Summit were both amazing experiences.

–Sam Brandstrader, former FWL student

The UIC Freshwater Lab is a unique program among the various programs of Great Lakes universities.  Although many institutions of higher learning sponsor cutting-edge research on science and engineering, they do not address the social context of Great Lakes issues or train students to translate and implement solid science as innovative policy. The Freshwater Lab understands that communication, community partnerships, and political processes are vital to maintaining the long-term health, use, and conservation of invaluable fresh water resources. The UIC Freshwater Lab is committed to a humanistic, social approach to water management and conservation.  It explores social and human issues related to water, energy, and natural resources in the Great Lakes region.  It is the first such research initiative rooted in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The interrelated goals of the UIC Freshwater Lab are:
  1. Connecting communities through shared water;
  2. Educating students to be leaders in the emerging “blue economy”; and
  3. Serving as a bridge to connect researchers, non-profit organizations, and the private and public sectors in the mutual interest of innovative water policy.  


Bring your ideas and energy to the Freshwater Lab!

Fall 2020 Tuesdays 3:30-6:15 PM | PA 494/ENGL 440/HIST 481

The Freshwater Lab course introduces advanced undergraduate and graduate students to the pressing issues and vast possibilities for the North American Great Lakes. Along with readings and in-class workshops, the Freshwater Lab course brings experts in different fields into the classroom and takes students around the city to witness some of the most exciting water-related projects.

Ultimately, each student chooses a topic and develops an innovative approach to addressing a fresh water issue. Students are then paired with professionals to get advice on improving and implementing their ideas. Past student projects have included films, policy papers, research analysis, live events, digital storytelling, communication plans, art, water tech, and activism.

This one of a kind course empowers UIC students to understand, claim, and protect our magnificent public waters.


(312) 996-6352


The Freshwater Lab
Great Cities Institute (MC 107)
College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
University of Illinois Chicago
412 South Peoria Street, Suite 400
Chicago, Illinois 60607-7067